Monday, April 13, 2009

The US Vs. Europe

Anna Russel over at Incoherent Ramblings and Room 102 suggested this one.
Now, like any good American, I don't know anything about about Europe except that it's part of England. Wait, sorry. That's wrong. Europe is part of London, which owns England. No, that's not right either. Hold on, let me look this up.
So wikipedia says that Europe isn't a city, it's actually a continent made of shitloads (paraphrasing here) of countries. I'm not buying it. I want to see a source wikipedia. Citation needed! Next thing you'll be telling me that we haven't enslaved Canadians, and refused to annex them as a state until they stop liking hockey. What? We haven't! I call bullshit wikipedia, I call bullshit.
Anyway, so where was I. Oh yeah, Europe vs. the USA. A continent (allegedly) vs. a country. The place with London and Paris and other cities Americans like to visit and the place entirely made of New Yorkers, Hollywood stars, and rednecks. Wait, wait, that's not right. Am I channeling non-US stereotypes about the US?
Clearly this competition will go smoothly, because we Americans know our history and geography so well. Finest education system in the entire continent of the USA!
So put on your baseball caps or your football (the one actually played with feet) jerseys, it's time to get international and find out Who's More Awesome.
Archery: Archery is old school. Europe is old school. Plus, nothing says archery like Robin Hood, and where's Robin Hood from? England, and that's in Europe (thanks, wikipedia!). Point one for Europa.

Pie Eating: Pies are American. Overeating is American. Turning things that really should be leisurely and fun into intense competitions is American. Point one for the USA.

Chess: The current form of chess came from Europe. Plus most of the chess grandmasters have come from Europe. Point two for Europe.

Racing: One word: autobahn. No one knows what it means, because it's in the dead language of German...wait, wikipedia says that people still speak German. Who knew? Anyways, it's the name for a highway with no speed limits, and any place that flips the bird at speed limits is awesome. Point three for Europe.

Swimsuit: If there's a place that's all about gratuitous, guilt-ridden, barely-covered sexuality, it's the US. In Europe naked people walk around like it's no big deal and no one gives a crap. "Oh look, another naked person. Who cares, this is Europe and we see that shit all time." Sure, that's solely based on two or three European commercials I saw one time and that whole nude beach thing, but my point is that here in America, we like our bodies minimally covered in a way that only a swimsuit can accomplish. Modern uncontrollable lust battles a foundation of puritanical prudishness. Point two for the United States.

Fighting: In the past, definitely Europe. If there's one thing I know about Europe it's that they were all about militaristically fucking shit up back in the day. But now, The US has taken their place at the forefront of bombings, shootings, territorial mass murder, and general imperialistic sentiments. Point three for the US.

Wine Tasting: Sure the US has California and all the Sonoma and Napa wine that comes with it, but Europe has Italy, France, Spain, and Germany. And Europe wins, 4-3.

Oh well, at least we still own Canada.
Coming soon: The JLA Vs. The Avengers, The Sasquatch Vs. The Abominable Snowman, Ferrets Vs. Poseidon, Hollywood Vs. Bollywood, Enrique Iglesias Vs. Sex, Poets Vs. Liars, Men Vs. Women, Old Testament Vs. New Testament, Chicken Vs. Everything Else That Just Tastes Like Chicken, and Arnold Schwarzenegger The Actor Vs. Arnold Schwarzenegger The Governor.
Have a battle you want duelled out? Leave it in the comments and I'll tell you Who's More Awesome.
(flickr photo EU Boulevard by meiburgin;
(flickr photo NYSE by luisvilla;

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Jolly Green Giant Vs. The Incredible Hulk

Two giant green guys tussling for the top. It sounds like the title to the next big youtube video or martian gay porn. Mostly the later. But it's neither. It's a showdown between a tall spokesman for the Green Giant food company and a Jekyll and Hyde like Marvel superhero.
I just called Kermit and Yoda, because we're about to get green, bitches, and find out Who's More Awesome.

Chess: We don't know much about Jolly's intelligence, but since he's basically just a really tall green guy in a tunic, we can assume he has no greater than average human intelligence. The Hulk is more complicated. As the Hulk, his intelligence can range anywhere from a bumbling, neanderthal to a clever and conniving creature. But the first is more common. That said, Bruce Banner (Hulk's human form) is a genius. Literally, a genius. So point one goes to Hulk, so long as he can keep his anger in check.

Wine Tasting: All that time around food had to rub off on Jolly's sense of smell and taste. Plus, you can't rip your clothes and throw cars around in a wine tasting, Hulk. Point one for the Green Giant.

Fighting: The Hulk spends all his time fighting people. That's what he does, day in and day out. He might as well fill out a time sheet for it and start getting paid. Jolly on the other just tromps around green fields looking like he's headed to an environmentally themed toga party. He'd serve up a can of peas and the Hulk would counter with a can of whoop ass. Point two for Mr. Incredible. Trust me, Jolly, you wouldn't like him when he's angry.

Swimsuit: The Jolly Green Giant all the way. He's already wearing one. Ripped purple pants do not count, Hulk. Yeah, She Hulk may be wearing a swimsuit too, but she's frighteningly ripped, and that really detracts from the swimsuit. Plus this isn't about her, it's about you. Point goes to the vegetable lover.

Archery: I seem to hit on this point in almost every post, but at the risk of beating a dead archer, hand dexterity is key. The Hulk's massive mitts don't exactly look nimble. The Green Giant pulls ahead with his third point.

Pie Eating: Are you kidding me? Clearly, the Hulk. Not only is he constantly active, burning tons (literally, tons) of calories that need to be replenished, but he also just looks like the kind of guy who has a serious appetite. The Jolly Green Giant on the other hand just sort of stands around and for a guy representing a food company, he doesn't look all that hungry. Point three for The Hulk and it's tied up.

Racing: Sure, Jolly's got more of a runner's look going on. Tall, lean, clothing that's a bit too revealing. But one of the Hulk's powers is speed, despite his appearance. With legs that strong, he can run, bound, and leap incredible distances incredibly fast. 4-3 the Hulk.

A victory for Stan Lee, nerds, and anyone who can't control their anger, and a defeat for everyone who enjoys frozen or canned vegetables.
Coming soon to a blog near you: Europe Vs. The US, The JLA Vs. The Avengers, The Sasquatch Vs. The Abominable Snowman, Ferrets Vs. Poseidon, Hollywood Vs. Bollywood, Enrique Iglesias Vs. Sex, Poets Vs. Liars, Men Vs. Women, Old Testament Vs. New Testament, Chicken Vs. Everything Else That Just Tastes Like Chicken, and Arnold Schwarzenegger The Actor Vs. Arnold Schwarzenegger The Governor.
Leave any competition suggestions in the comments and I'll tell you Who's More Awesome.
(flickr photo World's Largest Jolly Green Giant by Mykl Roventine;
(flickr photo Hulk Up Close And Personal: 09/10/06 by kiwanja;